The “Snowy mountains”, I don’t know if that means anything to you, but it does to me!
At the beginning, I thought to myself “here we go again, another movie coming straight from the States. It will be fish porn for sure”. Well, I was up to my elbows in it. We’re light years away from that. First of all, it takes place in Australia, a rather underrated destination in my opinion. Then, the guy goes on a trip by himself in the middle of nowhere. Equipped with a tent, some food and his walking stick, Josh takes us with him on his adventure from the start. And what an adventure my friends. I think he has succeeded in conveying his love for this river that winds through this valley where nature is preserved. This film has that je-ne-sais-quoi that makes us stay glued to our screen. The landscapes are sumptuous, there is some fish, the music is great and the rhythm of the film is well balanced. In short, you will have understood that this is a little nugget. To be watched on the big screen.
And as we love you, here is another of his adventures but this time on the Pristine Blue Mountain River.
Have a good weekend, buddies.