Why do we go fishing? Is it for the fish, the nature that surrounds us, the buddies, the food, the good mood? What if it’s all of the above!
As you already know, at Mouching fish take a bit of a back seat. We don’t go for trophy fish; a tiny fish makes us happy. We like to have fun, fill our bellies (at the water’s edge or elsewhere) and share good times. We’ve found a video that expresses our way of fishing quite well.
Deep in the mountains of northern Georgia, Brad Hill, Bryan Gill, Hugh Cheek and Blake Walters got together one weekend in November to take a break and recharge their batteries. They camped out and braved the rain and cold. The atmosphere emanating from this video is soothing. The Noontootla River, which means “land of shining water” or “middle sun” in Cherokee, is just gorgeous. So, yes, they caught a lot of fish, but above all they had a lot of fun together. They’ll have memories engraved in their heads, and that’s the main thing!