A stifling and, above all, crushing heatwave nails you to the kitchen floor in front of the fridge, door wide open, the ice cubes start to melt and the water is making a nice puddle in which you dip to cool off. It’s a heatwave and you might as well let the fish hide at the bottom of the pools rather than piss them off! On the other hand, for the dream machine: We’re off to Central America to fish for Permit, baby!
You’ve put on your best PFG shirt, your boxes are full of flexo crabs and shrimps of all sizes? Sunscreen? CHECK. Glasses? CHECK. Flat Boots? CHECK. #9 or #10 rod? CHECK. Reel with tough brake? CHECK. Well, put on your cap and you’re ready to go! It’ll drive you crazy and refresh you at the same time! And since you’re so nice, here are the 2 episodes back to back. And as always, sea fishing, especially Permit fishing, is a real hunt
Sweet dreams!