Major Oliver Kite was one of the key figures of fly fishing in England in the 60’s. It’s always good to go back to basics.
Dear! Shall I recommend you watch that thrilling documentary made in the 60’s? A portrait of Oliver Kite and the english (or Welsh…) country side. A delight to watch while confortably seated on your couch! Major Oliver Kite was a amazing angler who had served as an officer in the Royal Engeneers in many countries, from Sierra Leone, India, Burma, Malaya and Singapore. He died of an heart attack on the river Test in 68. We recommend the three books he has written: Fisherman’s Diary, Elements of Nymph Fishing, and Nymph FIshing in Practice. (It’s up to you to find them on the web…)
But this is not the only film we have in stock for you! Follow the Major on the River Andelle in Normandy, a river that every flyfisherman from Paris will know, eays to get to, nice places to stay not mentioning the amazing (how is it today? I haven’t been there for nearly 15 years) Radepont Beat, with it’s castle, home for the salvation army! The Andelle is THE place where the famous fly Andelle was created after a Mayfly merger. Enjoy, you’re traveling in time!