The best of both worlds in one of the best fishing magazine we have, a magazine in which even if you only fly fish you will be able to read all the articles! Ev...
Summer days, when the sun is hamering you, protected by your hat, wearing only shorts and sneakers you go, and you know that under the water lily, those dark sp...
What else could it be: Parliament of course! You need some groove? this film is for you! There's not urch more to say, turn up the volume and watch big screen, ...
This looks like heaven, two hours from Washington DC, Shenandoah Valley with all thoses species you can fly fish for! This is dreamland! Thanks to Brian and Col...
Here is the second part of Jacques Bordenave's article on the SAGE Bass II, our french pope of bass fly fishing, who uses them with pleasure since a couple of y...
Here's to blind you! Get those shiny bass on your face! Have that sparkling water cool you down! Ontario's summer bass, we want some more! Modestep=Sunlight...
Enfin !!! Putain enfin !!! C'est pas trop tôt ! Sans déconner, il a fallu un sacré paquet de temps pour voir des films de pêche "made in France" avec autre chos...