Norbert Renaud one of the big names in European Pike Fly Fishing world went to Alaska. He told us the story of this amazing week.
Nearly 3 years preparing for this trip, hours on the internet trying to find as much as we could about this cult pike fishery for any addicted esox fishermen.
This place is huge,you could very easily spend weeks without catching a fish,thanks to the quality of the guiding who put us on the big fish day after day (Innoko pikes move a lot,40 to 70 miles a days!)
Sight fishing for pike is amazing, especially when three monsters follow your fly and the smallest is about 43 inches!
Theses pikes are so strong, we came back home bruised,sore wrists,sore arms but with memories to last over a lifetime….No worries as we will certainly go back up there.
Fourth day was the best, with 87 pikes caught for me and my friend, and over 30 of them measuring over the magic 100cm mark.
Biggest of the trip was 50 inches.