We usualy don’t talk too much about us, as I said once, but this week has been pretty difficult at Le Mouching, at the office everyone tried its best, but we were hurt, and we didn’t really feel like having fun and write about stupid things, we did our best. Our thoughts were to our neighborhood, to this part of Paris where we, our kids our friends, hang out, to Le Bataclan where we spent our youth, to the guys we knew who got shot as there were walking in the concert, to Suzon who went to see Egles of Death Metal for her 21rst and last birthday. It’s the youth of Paris that has been targeted, a soccer game, bar and restaurants, a concert. But we rae going to keep on doing what we do best, enjoy life and have fun. I just feel the urge to get out of Paris, I feel the need to wak in the woods, to walk by the river, to smell the water, I need to feel that water between my fingers, to cast at trout and be focused, to forget everything. I need the waters to heal me, we all do. That’s why I share this film with you. Peace.

[vimeo https://vimeo.com/145979482]