Class. This is something that fly fishermen search for, inevitably. Don’t tell me otherwise or why on earth would you fly fish?

Well, enough cheap elitism and let’s return to the heart of the problem: class. Because with this wallet Super Fly Guy Fly, you’ll be soaking wet with class… Imagine, you get out your Streamer Wallet from your waders to offer a great Jock Scott to a new fisherman friend that you met on this damn Scottish salmon river, it is even more than classy. It’s crushing all social classes and categories, ending up alongside Lemmy (RIP my friend) singing Ace of Spades! It’s incredibly class.

You can find this product on the Super Fly Guy shop. And have a look at the other products. Other class sources are present!

I think I’ve said enough. And as you might imagine, I am listening Overkill by Motorhead. This is almost the same class level as possessing this wallet. Almost…