The taste of salt, the unic feeling of sea water running down your face, the heat of the sun, the sound of the choppy waves, the brightness of the slies, like in a dream, many sensations cruely reminding us that soon, for theones living up North, they’ll be memories as snow flakes will surrond us. But this salted wave that gets to our face when we open that new issue Tail #26, we want it again, we don’t want it to end, we ask for more. That’s why we susrcibe to Tail mag, to get our share of salt. Now also on paper! Get the print issue !flats


The Gear Guide: All you always want od need, such as the Pizza Pouch!shop

Food for your fish!flybox

Food for your soul!books

Food for your stomach!food

What do you know ’bout the hook, captain?hook

Guatemala’s bill by Pat Ford!guatemal

Carving Art by Shawn Abernathy.gravure

A tour at Nautilus factory by Joseph Ballarini.nautilus

Permit, their private life by Jonathan Olch. k

Tye that fly so you can catch the fish of your life a pop that cork! Cpt Rick Worman.pop

Your hands are salted and your head is filled with dreams? That’s good ! Next issue in January!