If you ski you’ve all heard about La Vallée Blanche, the best ride in Chamonix, you go up to l’Aiguille du Midi, you walk on the very narrow stretch, and off you go! It’s scary during the day. When you are a kid, you’re not a real skier until the day you do La Vallée Blanche, but it’s famous for several things, first the narrow strech when you’re out of the cable car, the second, the “air” you feel, when you’re up there, are you skiing? Are you flying? Third the dangerousness of the crevasses on the glacier. there are routes, but you have to know them. Than you arrive and you go for a hot chocolate, if you still have legs. But think about doing all this at night! Awesome! Thanks Yucca Films, Bruno Compagnet & Layla Kerley. This is the Nocta Project #1, we cannot wait for the others films to come!