Here’s to drive you nuts! Fly Culture’s Summer Issue, more than a magazine, a gem!
Title says it all, Fly Culture Magazine, a real print mag, the kind you wish you read more often, nice lay out, quality paper, amazing photos, great articles, great printing. How could you resist? Honestly, since it arrived in my mail box (they ship worlwide for free) I had to read it, I couldn’t stop! You want to know why? Because it’s like fly fishing, it’s addictive! You read one article and you cannot stop!
How do you like the cover? We love it!
My River Jon Harris, What is “your” river?
In pusuit of Salmon and Lucky Head Gear Darell Hartman/Jonas Clark. From Maine to Nova Scotia.
Fly rods, wisky and wild wild trout Steven Murgatroyd. Scotland, where big trout are.The Life lesson the Guide left behind Trish Valdez. FLy fishing is not just “fly fishing” it’s deep in us.
Fish Art Derek de Young. Just watch those prints full page!
Speaking the language Ryan Sparks. Do you speak fly fishing?
Chiang Mai Blues Patricio Mac Allister/Bobby Kaotakul. Our friend Patricio looks for Masheer as he’s in northern Thaïland, it’s not all about massage parlours and heroin.
A passion for Trout Fred Brown. Massvie troutz!
RAB an Baboons Brett O’Connor. Fly fishing Cape Town district.
Bloodlines Susan Skrupa. A life fly fishing, the love of fly fishing.
Moorland Magic James Besson/Tobby Coe. Nothing drags me out of bed at 5am, but fly fishing.
Artifishal Mikael Frodin. So people stop filling rivers with artificial fish!
One River – One hundred days Nick Thomas. I fish my river all year long, one river.
Searching for Halibut on a Fly Jeroen Schoondergang. Halibut on the fly? Go big!
That’s it! You want to read more, right? It’s probably one of the best fly fishing magazine we ever had in hands! At Le Mouching, we think you should suscribe 36£ (45$) quarterly and ships worldwide! You can also buy issue per issue 9£ (11,5$) shipping fee included !