It’s been a while, we were lost and confused, should we post mixtapes to party and dance to when partying is on hold to protect each others? Than we realized we dance at home, alone or with our love one, we listen to music at the office, in the car, everywhere. And what is Le Mouching if it’s not with its famous mixtapes, another fly fishing blog? Certainly not ! Here’s what we’ve been listening and dancing to at home, alone in front of a mirror! Here’s a little of everything, from sounds to dance alone in your bathroom, to music to listen to with your lover, some to drive to, and some to tie flies with!
Don’t forget to get Media Human, which allows you to download everything to your computer!
Cool easy listening here’s Roosticman! copy the address and past it on Media Human to download.
Since you like that “je ne sais quoi” from Brazilian ryhtms, here’s MORE with Mondaze. Leve B.low! copy the address and past it on Media Human to download.(the second song, Preciso Encontrar from Cartola is one of my favorite one of everything I’ve heard in my life, sad and joyfull at the same time.)
Opening with a tribute to Toots here’s New York Rican Sound! Perfect mix beteween Reggae, Hip hop and Salsa Classics dim the lights, turn the sound up, it’s HOT! copy the address and past it on Media Human to download
And last one is RompeL mixtape made of old funky sounds: Dusty Sounds! copy the address and past it on Media Human to download
Once you’ll dance to all those mixtapes, you’ll need to chill! See you soon on the Mouching mixtape selection! Peace.