A must read, the kind of book you have to have! More than a book it’s a Bible and we wish every country, every county, every state made one like that ! Rivières et lacs d’Armorique is indispensable if you ever come to fly fish in Brittany, because it’s made on ly for fly fishers!
You don’t know it yet, but the ost you are reading is one of a kind, you are actually reading about probably the best fly fishing book in France ! Brittany, hundreds of rivers streams and lakes, and they are all in that book! A book made by a non profit organization, It took them 2 years to gather all the informations, which species (trout, sea trout, sea bass, salmon), where ot park, which part of the rivers are the best! Evreything is in that book!
This Spring we shot a film on Southern Brittany (that will be on Seasosn tv very soon) and we wish we’d had that bible! If we did our work would have been easier! But maybe we’ll shoot FLy FIshing in North Brittany, we’ll than use it!
This work is hard work, for 2 years the volonteers have walked all the rivers, taking pictures, drawing maps, checking the places to park, checking the fishing rights, they have all our esteem. Rivières et lacs d’Armorique is probably one of the best book on fly fishing you can find, a guide with 365 pages, with no less than 90 rivers and lakes!!! With all the details, amazing drawings and beautiful pictures, everything that will make you a Breton if you ever come fly fishing here!
You better hurry if you want ot order the book! It’s 60€ plus 20¨shipping overseas. (the book is 3 weights 3 pounds!) ORDER HERE