Summer’s here and we know that unfortunatly summer= drought and low waters. Trout are coming out at dusk so in the meantime what is there to do? Chubs on dry! Your summer’s game!
Yes, we love it, chub on dry, a great school for beginners, but don’t be fooled, you have to apply yourself to the landing, choose the right fly and strike well!
For years, when I was younger, I used to go down to the banks of the River Lot at St Côme (Aveyron, France) at siesta time, and there I’d give it all I had – I missed a few, of course, but chub are good players, and there were plenty of them! It was mainly praticing the landing of the fly, the perfect passage through the current and the reflex of instantaneous hooking that I was working on! Afterwards, I waited for the trout to show up, almost at nightfall, and applied everything I’d practised during the day! Long live summer fishing!
In any case, here’s a good tutorial for dry-fishing chub! Thanks to our Belgian friends at Fly Scene Fr
[Since this film is in French, to watch it with subtitles: Click the square at the bottom right of the screen, select CC, than the cranked wheel, automatic translation: choose English]