The guy’s crazy about wild trout, his films are magnificent, his narration captivates us. In short, how can you resist? You’re in luck: between two rugby matches at the world cup, you can be enchanted by his Scottish accent!
Sean Afnan, thank you for taking us with you, your films are wonderful!
Dream Stream 1: Scotland
It’s like being taken by the hand and suddenly told why it’s so exciting to look for wild fario. Discover Scotland as you’ve never heard or seen it before. A real delight!
Dream Stream 2 : Iceland
Are you still recovering from what you’ve just seen, your jamabes tugging at you after running the Sutherland? Well, there’s more to come. Not only are you going to get an eyeful, but fishing for wild brown trout with Sean is so addictive that you won’t feel a thing at the time, only afterwards will you become obsessed! Iceland isn’t just about salmon.