The guy's crazy about wild trout, his films are magnificent, his narration captivates us. In short, how can you resist? You're in luck: between two rugby matche...
Dedication to the fly
Like they say, there's only one way: to fall nine times, and rise up ten.
A small jewel of a film, an idea served by everything else. ...
Ealy morning trout
Early morning, the country is half awake, it's still a little crisp but you know that soon, the sun will be up and hatches will come. Fly fi...
Spots on the trout, and a spot on presentation... In those small streams you'll find sometimes surprisingly big trouts. Few people fish them, because flyfishing...
What a bunch of lucky fishermen! Even if it's freezing, even if there is snow, they have the luck to stop the cabin fever and get out and fish! In Estonia, fish...
We cannot help it, the mating seasons catches you and you cannot do anything about, it's in the genes, you have to spawn, little ones, spawn and make love like ...
Now this is something. Imagine you're there fishing and you caught a nice little brown on the dry fly, and in the middle of the fight come a very big bull trout...
Fishing the Monongahela, also called "the Mon" or even was called Mal Engueulé by the french in the 18th centhury, which means, Badly Contained but can also mea...
Here's a healthy dose of the good stuff. Well shot, edited to death, matched with a carefully chosen soundtrack, it's just a pleasure to watch. And then, you're...
Today I'll not sing to you about the acne of young wild trout, nor of the teething of bonefish, nor of the legendary rudeness of tarpons.
And I'm sure that you...
On Youtube this video is called Mouching... since we like to be flattered, we had to put it up here! It's also true that the best French Browns are known to be ...
Have you noticed THE shirt at th ebegining of the video? Sweet, isn't it ? Our firends from Revive went fishing for Chrome and Brown upstate New York. Their new...
Tributaries, like hair weaving in the valleys, often forgotten, sometimes unfished because to remote or not easy to cast. But often filled with brownies who com...
All year long we show you fly fishing films from all over the world, but very few from South Africa, yet a country where fly fihsing is a must! Ther's you go ! ...
This film has been scouted by Kai Finbraten, one of our readers. After watching it, it became obvious we had to put it up on Le Moucing! Busddies going for big ...
Yes, yes, y'all and you don't stop
To the beat ya'll and you don't stop
fat beats beautiful trouts - the best Mouching Haiku for this summer !
The first ephemeras of the year under the classic bridge pool and the sound of the Choo-choo train to open the hatch season... Get on !
We have just received an astonishing photograph from New Zealand that was sent to us by our Tintin National: Benoit de Vilmorin, better known under his sobrique...
But what's going on? Here comes my lunch, hmmmm I see all those flies getting ready to be eaten, I can't wait! At the end we all know there is only one thing th...
Dont you feel overwhelmed by the beauty of fall, awestruck by the calm and the solitude of the fly fisher? A film with direct sound, at last! What a present! Wh...
The last trout I hold in my hands was a F***g beautiful black brown with red spots, I caught it on the Aubrac Moutains, next door, on the river Bés. It was 6 in...
Puris just ate the wolly bugger, probably because it does take a lot of fish ! Like those chaps fishing their secret pawn where swims fat and beautiful brown tr...
Few tips and great footages about streamer fishing upthere in Sweden.
There are the same guy who did the other video Rostu that know...
Some other beautiful footages of what New Zealand has to offer for fly fishing fanatics... But don't believe there is one trout like that at every corners overt...
Pure beauty of wild fish in there elements and great little moment in the heart of mindblowing scenery. That is real exotism !
About two hours from Paris in Le Perche an exquisite valley country not far from Brittany and Normandy, you can have good fun fishing at Le Moulin de Gémages. ...
Josh Rickard likes small streams, tactical nymph fishing and tying killer flies that he sells on his website.....
I've just received an email from our friend André Brun , I want to share it with you because a picture with such a happy face and such a beautiful fish is a bli...
I don't know why but I love this film, nothing much is happening but it's so true. It's so real, it's so us by the river. Friendship and happyness.
Dave King...
This film is awesome ! It may be one of the best ever ! So romantic, so beautiful... It’s us ! I have never seen the Le Mouching Crew portrayed so well in a fil...
Sometimes, we get by the river and we see this trout, THE trout, big, enormous, there she is, beautiful, smoothly feeding in front of you, 10 feet away, the wea...