On Aubrac, France, or in North Carolina, USA, small streams are awesome!
I like small streams, they are homy to me, I know how to read the water, I know where ...
We drove up to Mts Aubrac to take our flies fishing... the weather forecast warned us ..."foul weather"...but we weren't expecting that! The Aubrac we love so ...
Sometimes on the Aubrac, my nearby mountains, I take a splitcane to go fishing those small black trouts in rivers black as tea. I like the pace that bamboo forc...
Ok, he's a good oldt friend, but still, he's one of the nicest and the best guides ever (like all the guides we recommend on Le Mouching (see bottom of the page...
Belize... Ah ! And here I am on my childhood river on Aubrac, fighting against long seaweeds like electric green hair who took place in my river because of to m...
Hé bé, putaingue ! Si je m'attendais à trouver une video de pêche en Mongolie avec des pêcheurs aveyronnais ! Je gonfle la poitrine de fierté d'avoir de si beau...
Voilà, le petit bulletin de notre ami et Mouchingman Stéphane Faudon, (06 72 94 64 80) sur l'état des rivières et le début de saison en Lozère... Je ne sais pa...