Baja California, is the mecca for blue water fishing, and Striped Marlin, when they rush unto a ball of forage fish, are insane, a bit like us when it's dinner ...
Portrait of a driven fly fisher : Grant Hartman
Rooster Fish, when you hear that name up in your mind comes a beach, blue/green ocean with waves and that fish ...
Marc, Marc, my friend Marc.... why didn't you take us with you? Why is it that you"re the one to get to all the nice places! We want what you have! We want that...
I love DJ Food, I love long films that take time to show you the action, I love to slowly get in touch with what makes me feel happy. Fishing. I love these film...
Our friends from Moldy Chum are on the way to organise their next fishing trip ! Here's a short film from the last one... Baja California, here we come ! Nos a...