Loads of fish, a grandiose scenery, an extraordinary feeling of solitude. A dream that comes true! What a slap in the face! I wish to each fly fishing addict to...
"Cooking and accompanying customers to the fishing at the end of the world or almost, in the middle of nowhere, 2h30 by boat from the first village...". That's ...
One thing that always fill us with joy is to see our friend Christer Sjöberg from Solid Adventures, Christer is one of the most charismatic person I have ever m...
Greenland has been for the past 6 years a new destination for fly fishing, several lodges are now available, guides also organise fishing camps, there is a whol...
Greenland, one of the new destination in the fly fishing world, I mean new to the mainstream. You can go to all inclusive lodge or you can go on the wild side. ...
Do you have moskito net? You are then ready to discover the beauty and the wilderness of Greenland where nobody goes but you! (hurry up, it's becoming a well kn...
You don't need to be dressed up as a model from fly fishing brands to have fun, what I mean is that you don't need to wear: waders, vest, dedicated shirts, anti...
The problem with webzines is that they ron't pile up on the bathroom floor and than you don't "rediscover" them again.... So here's to remind you that Scale #12...
Mets, tes moufles et ton bonnet ! Les ombles arctiques t'attendent !!!! Mais magnes-toi quand même un peu, la saison est courte ! Un endroit où on peut en pêche...