Our Canadian cousins from Hooké are back having fun catching salmon as big as the Hulk’s tights while Le Mouching team is hardly catching  minnows in chocolate colour rivers…that’s not fair! Let’s all go Gaspesia![vimeo https://vimeo.com/100541226]

Finally, here is the teaser of our adventure on the Gaspé rivers! A sneak peak of our six days trip on the York, Dartmouth and Saint-Jean rivers searching for Atlantic salmon.

Leaving the banks of the Bonaventure River after flipping Cime Aventure over with a film premiere and a Hooké party, Phil and Fred took the direction of Gaspé in a semi-good shape Hooké van. At their arrival, the boys started exploring the three rivers in harsh conditions. With a crazy fast river flow and a difficult season beginning on its hands, the tribe worked hard and succeeded to get some salmon on the rod.

Enjoy the teaser and keep following us in the next weeks for the clips of our complete trip to Gaspé!