The Soča in Slovenia is a magnificent river for trout and grayling fishing. Looking at this video from the guys at Fisher KG, I’m beamed there again, feeling the powerful flow against my thighs, mesmerized by the incredible blue of the water, changing by the minute with every cloud, every gust of wind, with the slow movement of the sun. The fish, everywhere. The white rocks. I remember when I was standing exactly where they are, body and mind deep into the river. And then I remember the verses a poet wrote, a morning of August 1916, bathing in the Soča which was then one of the temple of death, the sacred grounds for the mass murders of the first world war.

Questo è l’Isonzo / E qui meglio / Mi sono riconosciuto / Una docile fibra / Dell’universo**

This is the Soča and there I best knew myself as a docile fibre of the universe.

Is there anything fitting better the fly fisherman and his line?[youtube=]

**  Giuseppe Ungaretti, I fiumi in L’Allegria Vita d’un uomo. Tutte le poesie, Mondadori, 2005.