My darling was working in Paris last week. Saturday morning she calls me all excited: Man, you’re not going to believe what’s hot in the trendy stores of Paris… Memories from my wild years in Paris flash through my mind and I suggest a couple of things that decency strictly prohibits to mention here. My dear, come back to your senses, she says, we’re talking art de vivre here… I refrain from replying that was just what I had in mind. Well, imagine that fly fishing is all the rage in Parisian coffee chic. I’m not surprised. It’s not like we aren’t at the fashion avant-garde since the late 2000s at the Mouching.

So, seen at Fleux: a whole set of hiking gear, nicely decorated with a collection of trout flies. Just what you need to manly yet elegantly assert your fly fishing addiction. Don’t miss the flask, too, with its salmon flies. It’s not bad at all.