I was peacefully on halliday on the Basque coast with my darling, when Adrien called me from the DHD Laika agency and came to wake up my thirst of fishing and scales. “I sent you a text and some photos by email! Go see!” Well … I did well to take a cane with me friends! Here are the words that put me in all states. Be careful, it’s hot !
“It is with a “gang” from DHD Laika Travel that I left this summer in search of the famous Stripped Bass. I know seabass from the franch Atlantic but I’ll track down their striped cousins! Direction the east coast of Canada, New Brunswick. The agency got us a nice cottage at the water’s edge and above all a great guide, Conrad with his “ostie” accent !! Thanks to his “tank” we were able to go on the beaches with goal to “squealing” reels on big bass!
With Conrad who’s reading the water we faced shoals we pitted from the beach. Whether in diving or floating gaming partners were at the rendezvous! “Calisse”, in one day and 5 rods we made over 150 striped bass, yes you read 150! The average catch is between 2 and 7 kilos, I can tell you that the 8 line starts to do “bawling” reel! the record of the week is the bass os Olivier, estimated at 9 kilos, “no worse pantarte” looks like the another! It even seems that some specimens are around 15 kilos! Given the amount we are allowed to take one fish during the week. Two beautiful fillets have the pleasure of our taste buds! Also we took advantage of local riches lobsters and seafood all in a very fun atmosphere.
We will leave next year as they migrate into fresh water for the months of April and May. Conrad will we make available his bass boat, join our “gang”! “
For more information on this trip, wich simply leaves dreamer, please contact Adrian at DHD Laika (01 42 89 32 64)!