Tail #35
Smells like sunblock (no less than SPF50 and ocean freindly, please, you only have one skin and there is only one planet) smells like salt, happiness and joy! le sel, la joie et le bonheur ! Tail Magazine # 35 is out and you are going to love it! Ah, of course you have to ssuscribe, but it’s worth it, what’s 10$ for a year? Tail mag a salt water fly fishing mag made for women that men can read to open their mind! Everyone is talking about equity, everyone is saying we should have 50/50 but what are you doing about it? My wife fly fishes, it’s bliss, we get to travel together, and have fun, my wife is my best friend and I love to fish with her, she prefers to fly fish in salt, that’s ok with me, I’m always ready! So what about we take as a commitment to teach a women how to fish?
Here’s the Gear because women like different things that we do, and pay attention to things we don’t care. and because men shirts are not for women!
Inside the Box, which flies?
Belize, Permit and Bone paradise.
Down the road, Louisiana. More than just fly fishing!
Father’s daughter, what our father taught us, what he left us.
What do want to drink ? Beer!
What’s for lunch? Chicken!
Fly tying, how to tie that fish!
The Pursuit! FLy fishing for Permit, it’s like a drug, you start, you’re not going to stop!
Between the lines, art. Art and fly fishing!
Picking up the pieces. All lis not pristine water.
That’s all folks!