Belize is one of the best destinations in the world to catch tarpon and permit. At the end of each summer, we dream of it. Then finally we’re watching videos and watching videos again.
And this video is so cool! Cuddle on the couch, takjje a beer and enjoy these images! A report on fly fishing in Belize! Well, it’s in English, but very easy to understand and especially very well detailed. The pictures are superb and it will be as if you were there for about 20 minutes!
But I have another solution! When you have finished your little movie, go behind the vice and make a serie of crabs flies! You’ll see, it’s like you’re planning a trip to Belize! And one day, who knows, your fly series will serve you! Personally I have boxes ready to go to Cuba, New Zealand, British Columbia… Who knows?!
Permit Alley And Seasons On The Fly from Greg Heister on Vimeo.