Winter is coming, slowly, ponds and lakes are freezing and for herons, feeding becomes a problem. It's your weekend film!
Wowowow! This is a jewel! Oh don't ex...
While ski resorts are definitely not going to open due to Covid, Candide thovex comes back with a new video.
The skier of "La Clusaz" is still exploring the b...
When we mention Norway, our fly fisher brains tells us : Salmon, Grayling, Fjord, Munch Museum... But there is also Tor Eckhoff, aka Apetor, the ice skating vod...
We told ourselves you had to leave the tying table and go outside, to breath some cool air. C'mon giddy up, here's some fun for you!
This pandemic is a drama, ...
Fly fishing in winter, is only for a few lucky ones, but what abut the fish, isn't is the mating season for trout? I always felt bad when fishing for grayling I...
Winter Rise in Colorado
Ha! lucky ones the ones who are able to fish in winter, fish go crazy in winter, they need food badly, so you have to be sharp and quic...
What are you up to this winter?
This is the perfect film to watch in bed after you had your load of Xmas/New Year's food bonanza! You cannot move, you are prat...
Freeze your huevos, but do it happily
This is the best film you can watch to touch serenity, the calm of winter, the beauty of the Sierra, and the soundtrack. ...
Winter has something very special, time has not the same value, days are shorter, therefore you feel an urge to take the most you can out of the hour. An hour f...
This film is like poetry, the lyrics of Sweet & Bitter by Junip, the pace, the rythm of the song, the feeling that is brought to us by the river, the snow w...
Our friend Vinnie, spent sometimes with his camera on the same river he walks the banks with a fly rod in spring/summer/fall. But now, it's winter. We don't lik...
This film is like a UFO, coming from nowhere, almost like a poem, there is something very melancholic about it. Is it the B&W? I think it's more than that, ...
You feet are cold? It's not warm enough to go out, better staying home by the fireplce, waiting for better days, on ly getting up from time to time to get anoth...
This film is short but it's a beauty. Here in France we can never fish for trout after mid September, the law says that trout are begining to reproduce and that...
I know it hasn't really snowed yet, but mark my word, season will be there soon! Are you in shape, are your skis ready? It's soon going to be the time! Here's a...
Ok, it's cold outside, but we hope you have the right gear or that you are scrolling down your screen by the stove! More luck than those frozen animals. Nature ...
Do we need fish? Do we need to have a rod and cast? Isn't the need to go by the river enough? Isn't fly fishing about being one with nature? Aren't we just happ...
We all know it doesn't last long, the winter hatch, usually around 11 or noon, you have to be there, you have to be ready, you have to be quick and sharp. It's ...
In Europe there is one fish we love, delicate, fun to catch, versatile, and most of all we can fish it when the trout season is over, and it's a beautiful fish,...
The new issue from Eat, Sleep, Fish, the number 36 of this british ezine on fly fishing is out! We all know it, it's a webzine made like a blog and we like to r...
Grey winter days, cold waters that could stop you to get to the river. How nice and comfortable would it be to stay home and read by the fireplace, but we are d...
The cold, the snow, they inspire and impose both calm, and purity. They invite us for a moment of introspection, we search for the essential, this trout, in thi...
The tough but thrilling life of winter fly pike fishermen !
We are not very into GoPro movies as the quality of the images (and th...
Winter..for those who fish, cold bites don your lungs, fingers like pierced with needles, feet, slow burn. When the sun is out, it brings tears to our eyes, the...
It's beautiful! Really beautiful! But, 19...! Seriously, 19! I know it's the Rur River and we are in February but... 19!! As far as I'm concerned I'll stay on m...
Here's a beauty, THE film of the week-end the one you can watch over and over and still ask for more... is it the magic of the soundtrack (Air: La femme d'arge...
Have you ever seen real cold? Seriously, have you ever watched a landscape, looked at the white sky, the stones, the river and saw cold coming out from them? Yo...
Once I went fishing at the German border on the Rhein river in early december. It was so cold that even with a fleece trouser under my neoprene waders I was fro...
IN our mind, as soon as New Zealand is mentioned to us, we see clear blue streams, trouts big as legs, raiding to dry flies size of a balckbird, we see green mo...