Cuba – Cayo Paredon Grande – from April 20th to 28th


Cayo Paredon Grande is one of the best salt water flyfishing destinations in the world!  Enormous easy to fish, white sand flats. Big bonefish, numerous permit and lots of tarpon. Some bigger than100 lbs…

There is ONE boat avalaible for this prime week. This is the ideal time to go: excellent season and the moon phase.Includes: transfers, 8 nights of lodging, 6 days of guided fishing, meals and drinks. Last minute price is  $3500/person (if you are 2 ) instead of $4950/person. Single boat: extra (750€ instead of $1400) Single room extra (600€)

Angler must pay own: airfare, visa fee (Passport not stamped), and tips (approximately $300)
Airfare from Canada or Europe ranges from $800 to $1500.
Sound pretty good, right? Prime fishing in Cuba and the best: you’ll be fishing with Le Mouching !


All inquieries : Planet Fly Fishing(they do speak english…)

Olivier LAUZANNE / Phone : +33 (0)1 46 09 00 25 /