When you read “Los Roques”, you think of that string of little islands where you're dropped off with a cooler, a sunshade and deckchairs, by fishermen who cab b...
A film that is going to allow you to travel the world while laying on your couch! India, Montana, Belize, South Andros and Oregon, true dreams to a fly fisherma...
A Grand Slam? Hmmm... Tarpon, Bonefish and Permit! Here's to make you dream while digesting all the food you ingested at Xmas! Bellize, Permit Alley, the best p...
The best season is probably end of April/May/June, you can even go in early July. What best could we ask for? Sailing and fly fising, getting to places others d...
Holy sh*t! Have you seen this cover? A bomb! Oh putaingue ! #41 from Southern Culture On the Fly! Let's celebrate 10 years of SCOF! An issue with the best from ...
Tétiaroa, an atoll in the middle of nowhere, 40 miles North of Tahiti, an atoll as you picture them: a lagoon, a few motus (livable islands) coconut trees, a sm...
The story of all the guys you see on flats fishing videos, how it started, who they are, what and why they fish! The best film to be watching when trout season ...
When you live in Honduras, on the cocaine route and you know how to pilot a boat, that you have to feed your family and give them an opportunity of a brighter f...
When it starts to itch, you need to scratch to get some releif, a feeling that won't last for long because soon it'll itch again, and you'll scratch again, but ...
An island in paradise, an aquarium filled with bonefish, GT bending carbon like nothing esle, in other words: heaven, and heaven seems to have a name : Cosmolde...
Flyfishing for bonefish in the Bahamas, solo style, every angler's dream.
Something that is certain is that Todd Moen's films are always, simple, beautiful and...
It's going to take a at least a few months before people go back fly fishing in Bahamas, depending on the islands, here is Exuma, before Dorian
In search of a ...
SCOF= Southern Culture On the Fly #32, Summer issue!
There you are, cooling down, in the shade, Bossa Clap Hip Hop mixtape by Vinyl Addict is making you swing...
Grand Slam as a Drinking Game on the Cuban Flats
Is there a way of fishing more iconic of the Caribbean flats than stalking bonefish? Burnt by the sun, hazy fr...
Los Roques, Vénézuela, heaven, if you manage to get there.
Los Roques is heaven, cheap hotels, great food, guides if you need one, fishermen that drop you on ...
Xcalak Salty Buffet
We love Mexico, we love Yucatan, we love Quintana Roo, we love Xcalak. It's actualy the bottom part of Quintana Roo, the tip that touches B...
Providence Atoll,Seychelles, more than ever!
This is a dream, and we hope it comes true! Well you need to be pretty loaded to go, just the fee for the trip is...
A little warmth?
Ah, you start to be cold, winter is settling in? Here's to warm your soul, maybe it'll warm your body too! Are you ready to go? We're going to...
Father of the Crazy Charlie
Since Sunday morning, every salt water fly fishing angler will fish for Bonefish the same way, every time you'll tie a Crazy Charli...
Fly Fishing Nation in Los Jardines de la Reina
Cuba, it's been a whilse since we have not been back, we used to go a lot since 1992! But for the past 3 years,...
Tail Fly Fishing Magazine #38
Honestly, we tried, every day we searched the bed, but nothing came out, nada, zip. We did not find anything that was worth writ...
Lucky ones! You are going to have a hell of a good time, here's an apetizer for your weekend, you could have wathced it at the F3T or at the Rise b...
When Tail Magazine #34 came in my mailbox this morning, it was like sun coming to warm my body in the middle of winter! Tail is like bliss to me, I instantly fe...
Can you feel it? Can you feel the salt on your lips, can you feel the sand under you feet, the warm water up to your knees, can you feel the heat, hear the wind...
You want to get your ass kicked? You thought you were tough fishing for bones in Mexico or in Belize? Wait until you watch this trailer, the trailer from Beyond...
At Stickman, they develop their offer slowly: each model is singular, and tailor-made for a specific application. The guys are dedicated rodsmiths, there's no w...
This is the perfect gift to any saltwater fly Fisherman! It's basicaly what salwater fishermen dream of! At last they are going to be able to tie all the flies ...
Here it comes, the tropical season for fishing, maybe Santa will be nice to you and you'll have a fly fishing trip in your stocking? Where are you going to flyf...
As the tropical season is about to start, we wanted to share with you this videos for the 20th anniversary of the Bonefish & Tarpon Trust, that trust who fi...
UPDATE: Its seems that even if 300 000 american tourists managed to visit the island this year, after Mr Trump's latest declarations on tourism, money and trav...
this week teasers only last a few days before the full film shows up! Here's the Guadaloupe film we talked about earlier this week. Well, they are some BIG bone...
Did you ever thought about going fishing in Indonesia? Here's a trailer from a film to come, you'll find bonefish, trigger fish, Jack, Gt's and exotism! It's ab...
bonefish is lived by its fanatics as a real art of living. A life spent feet in the water, to pace the flats and to track down the trophy. This film tells the s...
We cannot resist anymore! For weeks we've been excited about it, pressure was growing day by day, but now, it's here. For a week now I have been packing my gear...