As my shoulder is so painful and doesn’t allow me to go fishing, I had to do something this week end to get busy. So I roamed the antic stores of the neighborhood. I saw a lot of useless ugly sh*t but then, in the dark of an old shop in Rodez, Aveyron, I saw something that was unusual. A rusty blade whith a greasy handle that was lying among other tools in an old box. I pulled it out, and like Excalibur, it felt immediately comfortable to my hand and made for me, it came out ot the box light as a feather but stong as an axe! I bought it for less than a pack of cigarettes and proudly brought it home. There it was on my kitchen table, a 11 inches blade that was begging me to bring it back to life. So I pulled out some soap and some scotch brite and worked on it. Slowly the rusty blade turned into a old silvery one. Of course it’s not perfect but it’s so beautiful. The handle. The handle was so greasy my wife could not handle it without a gringe… I took a cloth and cleaned it with hot water and soap, came out an black ebony handle, so beautiful and fitting so well in my hand. I used a old stone to sharpen it. When I tried it last night, I honestly never had tried such a cutting and sharp blade. It cut the “saucisson” like butter. This is a piece of art, it’s not just a knife.