We cannot resist anymore! For weeks we’ve been excited about it, pressure was growing day by day, but now, it’s here. For a week now I have been packing my gear, stashing my flies one next to the other in brand new boxes, I have been getting ready, while the others at the Mouching office were looking at me knowing they’ll have to back me up for the next two weeks. Because we are leaving, Donald, the photographer and DP from Le Mouching and Adrien from DHD Laika, we’re going to Ascension Bay, Yucatán! We’re going to shoot a f 52′ film for French and Quebec tv Seasons. SO for you to kno where we go, here are two films that poped up this week end:
Back To the Roots, by Christian Ihrybauer, how to DIY in Ascension Bay with a kayak and friends!
Chasing Ascension Bay Permit on the Fly at The Palometa Club by Palometa Club, don’t ask yourself what you are going to watch, it’s all in the title!
In the meantime, we’re getting ready, we pack the gear, weight the bags and pray the Palometa god to be nice to us!