Here it comes, the tropical season for fishing, maybe Santa will be nice to you and you’ll have a fly fishing trip in your stocking? Where are you going to flyfish for Bonefish, Cuba, Bahamas, Mexico or to Peoria? Maybe you are a pro and we don’t have to tell you anything because you already know more than we do about fishing for Bonefish, or you are newbee and are alle excited for your first tropical fishing trip! Whatever the case, we know you have all your fllies in your boxes, selected by model, colour and size, that you sunscreen are paked with your deet, (yeah, you better use deet and forget about any other “nature friendly” spary, you will probably go fishing in an area where there is Dengue Fever or Chikungugna… even if the counries you’re going to might say there is no problem : my wife got Dengue fever in Bahamas). But enough talking about you, let’s talk about the Bonefish and let’s talk about their health. Lucky for them, Bonefish are full of bones (otherwise they would have another name, right?) there still some places wher they are caught with nets along all the other species that are in the same waters, they usualy end in fish balls. So, your Bonefish you want to treat it with respect and release it the best way you can, so you might get another chance to catch it, or someone else. Here are two films for you, the first one is what NOT to do, the second is why and how to release them properly. Sweet salty dreams!