Here comes the lastes issue of The Mission, like a slap on your face, like something that burns you and than cools your cheek down instantly! We adore our friends from South Africa, no, we do’nt, we LOVE’em! We do because they have that modern point of view on a way to fish that needs a whole lot of cool ambassadors to make people understand that fly fishing is more than cool, fly fishing is the New Cool! Yes, Fly FIshing as seen from the “outside world” is an old koots way of life! How many times did you tell someone you were flyfishing and they pictured a guy in Scotalnd, with a tweed jacket and cap, smoking a pipe and drinking tea as they tell you “Oh, I know Fly Fishing, my grand father used to do it”… ” you must have a lot of patience to do such a thing, I could never do it”! Yes, you know what I’m talking about, we all heard those stupid sentences, the ones that made you wonder if you would spill your glass in the guys face, or sumply ignore him. So here’s another alternative, just send The Mission emag to his face! Dude, The Mission #7 is just everything we need, it’s fresh and young! Peace & Love to our South African Family!