Laurent Keiff

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Revive 31

The new Revive is out, and it rocks. For instance our buddy Norbert Renaud, of worldwide pike reputation, ties a mean streamer. But my favorite bit is a semi-de...
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Like a boss

Hilarious little video, and a fable with a maxim: wherever something is elevated to the dignity of something you could pursue for its own sake, you've got an ar...
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This is all very simple: the story of a perfect day on the waters of Mosquito Lagoon, Florida. Not much to catch maybe, but lots of funwith a fly rod, and that'...
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Matty Smith is an Australian photographer. He specializes in everything around the sea. He's Over/Under series captures what goes on, just on film... Except thi...
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Totally free

This video is a gem, it's a kind of anti-Lary Clark documentary, while also being complete stranger to the X-Games spirit. It's not about being young, it's not ...
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Mary Ellen Mark

She had this very special way to shoot people, straightforward and without most of the common prejudices. A powerful sense of composition and a marvellous sensi...