Laurent Keiff

prince cream 7

The Kid

The Kid from Minneapolis went his way, one more on an already quite long list... Hey 2016, give us a break will you? Prince, Love Symbol, The Artist formerly k...

Grass Root

BD Morrow Bamboo Fly Rods at work, a nice little vid with an even better final twist. Videos about bamboo rod making invariably have a visual quality coming fro...

Flip Flop Fly

Here's a very instructive video about some fine points of Giant Trevallies fishing on the fly from the guys of Fish the Swing. Some of you may have overlooked i...

Colorado Cane

End-of-the-year celebrations are coming fast, together with their mandatory mass-consumption hysteria. For us fly fishermen, who are balls deep into rod / reels...
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Old-West style

Now that you know where to get the very best firewood in the world, why don't you try some other form of wood fire? In a Old-West style camp stove? Can you imag...
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Premium Wood

As the cold days of the year are coming, the foresighted fisherman will certainly be garnering the cellar with suitable firewood. When fishing is not an option,...