What about opening the trout season spey casting? Sounds crazy? Actually, spey casts are half of the fly world. When they taught you the basics, they probably s...
Here we are! The dawn of a new fantastic season of fly fishing! Your flyboxes are ready? Your waders repaired? Your rod in the trunk?
Meanwhile, with the ris...
Finally the day has come. Trout season opens today. Here's to all the fish we'll catch, to all the fish we'll miss. To all the fish that will haunt our dreams.
Somewhere in Utah there's a river, and it's green and cool and clear, and it's full of trouts. Tomorrow is the first day of the season in France, and we'll be b...
We can't wait anymore, everynight i wake up dreaming I am fishing, I cannot bear the idea that the season is not open yet! I dream I am with my friends from Le ...
When the indefinitely long winter breaktakes its toll on our organisms, because we crave so much for running water and this incredible adrenalin rush that comes...
40 days before trout season starts again, we already ready, we've been ready since september. But now we are becoming pretty edgy we dream of fish everynight, e...
You are counting the weeks, the days, soon you'll be counting hours. You are done, you have a one tracked mind, you are obsessed, you become sleepless, you are ...
With my friend Oli, we went drove down to Le Tarn for the Opening. Our opening, one month after the official one. We had caught, trouts, sunburns, slept in the ...
It will soon be the opening day of pike fishing!! and for those who want to discover pike fly fishing, here is a rod that you will will surely find interesting,...
It will soon be the opening day of pike fishing!! and for those who want to discover pike fly fishing, here is a rod that you will will surely find interesting,...
Eternal Renaud... with the coming opening day and spring, my whole childhood reappears, the flavours, the birds we hear only during this period, the return to l...
The opening for us at the Mouching was an enormous success. Of course, as our reputation would have it, we always cheat a little.
It was Vilmo who found the cl...
At Le Mouching, we take “Opening Day” very seriously. For safety's sake we practice and exercise so we don’t hurt ourselves on that crazy day. As you can see,...
Où allez vous faire l'ouverture ? Répondez nous dans les commentaires !!! Et envoyez nous des photos de vos premières sorties, la meilleure sera primée par un T...
Que la déesse du Mouching vous accompagne dans votre quête et que cette saison soit heureuse et remplisse ses promesses. Nous envoyons, comme il se doit, une je...
Chers amis pêcheurs aux vers et autres asticots, nous vous souhaitons bien du plaisir pour cette prochaine ouverture et vous offrons ce petit clip...
Nous r...