This film is a beauty, magnificent like a nap under a tree in a hot summer day, when everyting is crushed by the heat and the whole world slows down in July. We...
Seas, oceans, rivers, lakes, they are all easily turned into trash, for most humans, you throw it in the water it desappears! We all know that once it's out of...
What just happened in Animas river is awful but it is just what we have been trying to warn people about what can happen with mines and dams. This is why we all...
Will our need to dig for coal be stronger than our need to protect one of the finest river in Alaska, the Chuitna? Do we really need coal mines nowadays? So, if...
Perffect wedding between fishing and agriculture? We cannot wait to see the film and see why it works out in Oregon and not in other places (such as France...)...
It's time to help protect Bristol Bay if you haven't done it yet! Please take action, you wouldn't want to have the feeling of not doing anything...what would y...
Here is a video taken from the excellent blog from Nicolas Germain, spiritual son (maybe more than that) of the late André Terrier. This is the documentary's tr...
I thought about it, and finaly, tomorrow I wont go to the parade. The Republic had promised me so many things and I belived it. I beleived that the state woul...
You find this pretty cool, you would like to be there, in Bristol Bay, fishing for graylings too... This might not be the case anymore... Join ! What would you ...
C'est toujours la même chose. La pollution, c'est comme la vérole : tant que ça ne touche pas notre territoire ou le bout de notre queue, on a un peu tendance à...
Nous avons de très mauvaises nouvelles du Doubs, et avec le futur site internet de Pê nous vous présenterons, hélàs, un dossier complet qui vo...
Wow ! Attention les doigts ! Attention les yeux ! Attention à vous ! De toutes façons vous êtes cuits, vous ne ressortirez pas indemnes de la lecture de ce numé...
The French Basque Country has probably one of the best rivers to fish in France...but like all the french rivers, unfortunatly they need a little help to becom...
The Loue River is dead. The Loue, one of Europe’s best-stocked rivers, recently suffered its highest fish mortality (trouts, graylings, chubs...) ever as some 8...
Chaque matin, je descends les escaliers quatre à quatre, je prends le courrier dans la boîte aux lettres et suivant le temps qu'il fait, je sifflote en trainant...