Revolution Amadou from Romania


Also present at the London Fly Fishing Fair were our Romanian friends Smara and Liviu Neagoe, which we had the pleasure to introduce to our readership when they were promoting their annual kids-camp in Romania:

image001Besides this annual camp (feel free to participate in helping them in 2019!), they also have quite a remarkable product on offer: all (dry) fly anglers should be familiar with a fly drying patch made of “amadou” a naturally occuring sponge found in our latitudes here that has been used for ages because of its natural properties.image002

Fly anglers in particular appreciate its moisture absorbing abilities, especially CDC fibers can quickly be dried with it.  So far, nothing revolutionary… BUT:

the innovation, however, lies in the design of the patch holders that attach to a fly anger’s vest. Revolution Amadou have combined space-age technology with high quality amadou sourced straight from Romania to create a fly drying device by adding (vented) carbon plates that, unless you drive a train over it, won’t ever break nor absorb moisture like other porous support materials will!image005

The result is a better performing device that should last an angler forever and allows for the spongy amadou patches to be replaced, should they ever wear out. It’s definitely high-end and a cool thing to have.image012

Further (extremely detailed) info can be found here.