A nice fly fishing film

We have to be honest with you, we tend not to write as much as we use to do, one of the reason is not that we a re getting lazy, but that today people read less and less and many of you are looking at Le Mouching on a phone, even through our FBK page, so people do’nt read, they want to watch films. I am not even sure you are reading what we write before the film, that little header that is a presentation in the special Mouching style.

So if people don’t read, we have to post a lot of films and therefore we watch a lot, a lot of films, maybe several hours a day because we want to offer you the Best! It means that all the films that are not touching us, all the films that are only shot with a GoPro fixed on the head or on the chest, all the films that are not respectiong our way of thinking are out. It also means that what you get to watch on Le Mouching is la créme de la créme!

Unfortunatly, for us, there are very few French films, but here’s one! Check how nice is the shooting! And for once we love to see a trout that is bigger than a few inches. May it be the begining of a long series !