Warning! This magazine is going to drive you nuts!
Winter is coming fast (unless you're one of those lucky guys down south...) and we're seriously starting to ...
Season 4 - In the Northern hemisphere, qhen winter comes, the only things that keep us out depression is to tie flies, spend all our cash in useless gear and ma...
A breath of fresh air! Pretty soon lockdown will be over and we'll be able to travel and go fishing almost wherever we want, check this film on the Kaimanawa Ra...
Some trout are really easy to catch, you know their ryhtm, you know their course, you can predict when they will take your fly. Others are unpredictables.
New ...
We're getting pretty bored with this confinement thing, we can only get out 1 hour a day, 1km away from home. That leaves us plenty to dream, read, write, watch...
Rolf Nylinder gives us a a beautiful Xmas present, a new editing from a shooting he did on the Green River, 10 years ago, in New Zealand.
When you're bored, th...
Episode 4 from Oppstrøms fishing trip in New Zealand, Den siste dagen: *The last day*
Have you seen that fish behind the rock, it's hard to spot on the screen,...
Episode 3 from Oppstrøms fishing trip in New Zealand, Den nye elva: The new river
When we arrive somewhere new, an new region a new country, we're always a lit...
Episode #2 : A lake in Otago
So you need a break from reading Beloved by Tomi Harrison since you all rushed to fill the gap in your knowledge and you need to ...
Episode #1 : Whakaputa Creek
Here's your summer miniserie, it's enternaining, it's like daydreaming, and it's exotical! (listening to Norwegian is always a bit...
Big fish like big flies! Hey pull out that cicada of yours!
We don't need to introduce the Jensen's, if you don't know them, you probably know their films, alw...
Better than a chocolate easter bunny, a brown trout from New Zealand!
That's it, Easter has passed. I hope you're gorging on chocolates, leg of lamb and wines!...
#31, the Winter Issue !
Ooops it came out this weekend but we were busy reading it so we are just sharing it with you today, Scale Magazine #31, the mag we lov...
Rain or Shine
When you see what rivers from the North Island in New Zealand have to offer, it can drive you nuts, especially when you know that the guys are go...
The Mission #12
The waiting is too long! Some magazines are like that, the moment you read the last page you're already craving the next issue and the waiting ...
Jungle Trout with André Hasselroth
As season starts in NZ, what's best to dive into the jungle, a primary forest with fern and streams filled with BIG trout. A...
Mickey, mickey, mickey.
In 2011, we were all stalked by this film Once in a Blue Moon, and for the first time we really understood why we should in certain par...
Catch Magazine #57
Houlala! As we say in la France! This issue is beast! As usual Catch Magazine feeds us with the best, with everything we need to go insane a...
Lakes and trout!
New Zealand is a dream for many fishermen around the world. I'm part of them. But when I think about it, I see clear rivers, wild, and trout t...
Here's they're back, those guys from Québec, I should rght THE guys from Québec! Who doesn't know Hooké, a few friends from french speaking Canada, that turned ...
Yeah, I know there is suddenly a lot of reading, it seems that all the fly fishing mags are out at the same time! You have a busy week, will you be able to read...
Hundred eighty three pages of bliss! Here's what we offer you for your weekend! A thick mattress of fish! A dream machine from New Zealand : Fly Fishers.inc, ...
We all dream of New Zealand, the promis to catch fish of a lifetime, but, even if it's true there are some massive trout down there, you need to hike and wolk a...
Patrick Martin, aka Zarn, is a photographer. He specializes in the places where he fishes, which is nice because he's way more often in New Zealand's outback th...
A video just like a visual haiku, one of those japanese poems in seventeen syllabes, with their unexpected elegance stemming from their brievity. I've said it t...
New Zealand,, seems to be a bit windy, doesn't? Antipodes, far far away from old Europe or the US of A, seems windy indeed, but the guys from Tørt don't seem to...
Days are getting a little longer but it's still winter and there isn't much to do, so what else can we do but read? Lucky us, here's the issue #62 of Eat Sleep ...
Who hasn't dreamed of fly fishing in New Zealand? It's in every fly fisher's top ten destination, but here, you get much more than the usual scenary of what we ...
You might have seen Thomas Vouge's picture somewhere on the web, he is one of our best fly fisher, when I say ours I mean French, but he also has a big apetite ...
There is a bunch of lucky fly fishermen, the ones who go fishing in the Southern Hemisphere, once the trout season is closed in the Northern one! Usualy fisherm...
We hope everyone is safe and that all the anglers who are planning to go fishing in New Zealand this season will understand that the situation might requires so...
It's not in this mag that you will see very small trout, or small fish from your backyard. Fin Chasers, is the real big fish traveling adventure magazine! And i...
Hep, hep, hep ! There's more than those big wild trout in cristal clear rivers in New Zealand! Head down to Collingwood, South Island and go catch fierce Kingf...
When Pierre Monatte told me he was going to South Island in New Zealand, I was so happy for him, and a little jealous too... Pierre had been building up a relat...