It's been a hell of a summer, too hot, too cold, too much water, not enough... one of those summers we're starting to get a little too often. So we thought you ...
We've been waiting for this new issue of Southern Culture On the Fly, SCOF, for the ones who know) and the reason why we were restless is that it is one of the ...
Southern Culture On the Fly #44! Another issue that stinks of happiness, long fishing days, BBQed Shrimps, pulled pork, gombo and fresh beer. In other words SOU...
You take it in the face ! After having gone down to the river to look at the rocks and while the skies become black as black puddi...
Everyone remembers (well, almmost everyone) that album from the Allman Brothers, Eat a Peach, it is hot as a warm wind coming from the Gulf and spicy as a hot s...
Holy sh*t! Have you seen this cover? A bomb! Oh putaingue ! #41 from Southern Culture On the Fly! Let's celebrate 10 years of SCOF! An issue with the best from ...
I had nothing to do, all I did was laying in bed, the weather was so strange, 1rst we had the heater on in August, than it was over 100F... these are definatly ...
Hope, hope is exactly what we need and Southern Culture On the Fly #39 - SCOF - brings it our hearts. It gives us that little tap on the back to push us up to w...
We're on the watch of everything that could take us out from that weird feeling we have with loockdowns, coverfew and confinement, and the worries that we might...
Holy crap! What a year, what a terrible year! Fishing has been seriously compromised, flyshows have been cancelled, flyshops are only online, fishing clubs are ...
How bad is the heatwave? Is it so hot that the fan is not enough and that you have to sit in front of the opened fridge, laying on the kitchen tiles, in order ...
From the far land of Southern States, to your eyes here's one of the best, one of the best magazine online you can read while you're wandering when we'll be tot...
When it starts to itch, you need to scratch to get some releif, a feeling that won't last for long because soon it'll itch again, and you'll scratch again, but ...
SCOF is a free fly-fishing magazine available on web, with lots of pictures, drawings, fly tying… We are light-years from the French magazine.
Greg: How was bo...
Fall is already here but it feels like winter and it's freezing! As usual our friends from SCOF aka Southern Culture On the Fly are bringing us what is going to...
SCOF= Southern Culture On the Fly #32, Summer issue!
There you are, cooling down, in the shade, Bossa Clap Hip Hop mixtape by Vinyl Addict is making you swing...
SCOF : Winter 2019
We were waiting for it, and here it is: Southern Culture On the Fly aka SCOF #30! Just by reading the titles my head is spinning, I start t...
SCOF #29
Trout are like squirrels, they are stashing for winter, looking for proteines, grayling are going to wear their reddish colours, everybody's getting r...
Southern Culture On the Fly #25
It smells good, you open SCOF #25 and it smells like fish! Not the bad fish that stinks, no, the fish we like the one that mak...
Here's from our friends Southern Culture On the Fly, how to tie Rich Strolls Simple Minnow! Get to the vise, have drink and grab a bite (never go to the vise wi...
When people ask me what do I like in fly fishing, my answer is always "the culture", what goes with fly fishing as a whole and not fly fishing alone. Because wh...
I dimmed the light, poured myself a good glass of Bourbon, thick and suggared like the southern nights. From the tip of my fingers I chose the best cigar from m...
In the heat of the summer days, refreshing as a cold beer or an iced tea, here comes Southern Culture On the Fly #20! While a lot of us are fighting with the he...
You need a heat wave? You need something to make you dribble? You need the taste of hot sauce on your fingers and salt water on your face? SCOF's new issue is f...
This is what we have been waiting for, a taste of fresh water and a feeling of salt on our face! That's about how I would explain SCOF, 172 pages of bliss, that...
Here's to spend some time on your own, here's a good reason to have a laptop or a tablet so you can hide a spend some special time on your own with Southern Cul...
There IT is, coming out warm from the press, the new Southern Culture On the Fly Fall 2014 edition, delivered to your door on a monday morning. Hmm this issue i...
Watch out, you're going to be hit with a southern stick! This summer issue from Southern Culture On the Fly is dope (SCOF, le #12,)! Not only because ou...
Watch out, your about to open a can of whoopass! Your eyes are going to hurt ans your fingers will stink like fish! This Southern Cunlture On the Fly spring is...
Southern Men, we love them, we were waiting for this summer issue! Issue #8 from Southern Culture on The Fly, a magazine you read and than start to sweat, it's ...